Our Industry Executives have decades of senior management experience within our target sectors and serve as active, board-level resources to our portfolio companies

Frank J. Belatti

Industry Executive

Normal Icon : Frank J. Belatti Hover Icon : Frank J. Belatti
Lawrence P. Castellani

Industry Executive

Katie G. Finnegan

Industry Executive

Normal Icon : Katie G. Finnegan Hover Icon : Katie G. Finnegan
Mark T. Majeske

Industry Executive

Normal Icon : Mark T. Majeske Hover Icon : Mark T. Majeske
Jim Ricciardelli

Industry Executive

Normal Icon : Jim Ricciardelli Hover Icon : Jim Ricciardelli
Peter M. Starrett

Industry Executive

Normal Icon : Peter M. Starrett Hover Icon : Peter M. Starrett
C. David Zoba

Industry Executive

Normal Icon : C. David Zoba Hover Icon : C. David Zoba